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Le-Huynh Truc-Ly’s R Code and Templates

lehuynh is an R package comprising a collection of miscellaneous R functions and templates that I find particularly useful.

This package includes:
- Functions for graphics, data importation, data transformation, and general utilities.
- Templates for Exploratory Analysis, Bayesian modeling, and crafting scientific manuscripts.


lehuynh R package is available on CRAN via:


To get the latest in-development features, install the development version from GitHub:

if(!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

This package is also accessible for download via Zenodo with the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11522849.



  • draft_elsevier: Creating an Rmarkdown manuscript for Elsevier journals (example).
  • lehuynh_Bayes_brms: Basic steps to fit, check, and interpret a Bayesian model via brms package.
  • lehuynh_EA: Basic steps to do Exploratory Analysis.